美女报关师刘老师讲解美国海关报关师考试教程, 深受广大学员的喜爱

Reference Materials Required for Customs Broker Exam in April, 2024.

ComJOBB Customs Broker Program
--- HTSUS 2023 Basic, Title 19 CFR 2022
--- ACE version 10.5, and Directives
ComJOBB Customs Broker In-field Classroom Program Available
Call hotline number 888-666-1680, send message to COMJOBB@yahoo.com

ComJOBB Customs Broker Realtime Online Learning Program Nationwide
Please send your name, telephone number to ComJOBB@yahoo.com to get access key to the remote learning system. New ComJOBB CBP broker program in 2023 will begin in this month.

ComJOBB Customs Broker Exam Reference Materials Downloading
( Title 19 Code of Federal Regulations 2023, Part 10 Articles Conditionally Duty Free )
Title 19 Code of Federal Regulations 2023, Part 163 Recordkeeping )
( US Customs Exam Sample Questions )

ComJOBB Freight Fowarder/NVOCC Program
--- Air Import, Air Export
--- Ocean Import, Ocean Export

ComJOBB FDA Compliance Review

US Export Compliance Review

International air/ocean forwarding programs are also available for interested person.
除了參加美國報關師班, 还可以参加国际物流师 Air/Ocean Freight Forwarder 班, 而且参加国际物流师班只需要有合法工作身份就可以。

Smart beautiful college girl got golden job referral in New York


诚意好学生从波士顿来纽约参加康捷报关师金钥匙, 很快获得好工作

美丽姑娘参加康捷报关师培训, 竟然奇迹般救了母亲一命

Golden Key Referral for Golden Jobs, Anthony got a truly good job

Golden Key Referral for Golden Jobs, Carman got a truly good job

Watch closely, How to Get 2 Good Job Offers within 1 Week through Golden Key 3-Step Job Referral

亚马逊电商货物仓库勤杂工, 参加康捷培训两个月, 找到月收入$6,000的职位, 如何做到的 ?
又是如何从完全没有经验的新员工, 两年之内成为跨国物流公司在洛杉矶分公司的总经理 ?

洛杉矶 James 先生, 移民来美七年, 2017年2月参加康捷海关报关师与国际物流师培训, 当年4月就脱下穿了6年的餐馆战袍, 改行成为国际物流师。

Customs Broker Exam Books and References

扫描一下, 加入康捷微信 AmericanReward

Golden Key Customs Broker Exam Express Review, Presented By Dr. Zhang, PhD from New York University

美国海关报关师工作招聘会 World renowned employers prefer to hire customs brokers from ComJOBB Golden Key

美国海关报关师与国际物流培训课程 -- 康捷 ComJOBB Golden Key Customs Broker & Forwarder Training Program

Customs Broker Exam FPF Question Reviews -- 康捷 COMJOBB Golden Key Training Program

3分钟确认能否享受中国进口商品附加关税重新豁免 China Section 301 Tariff Exclusions



ComJOBB provides the pioneer cutting edge techniques to motivate and boost interested persons to pass customs broker license exam in just one shot, and become licensed customs brokers.

Choose ComJOBB Golden Key to help you realize your professional career dream in global trade business and customs brokerage business !

Have you ever imagined to pass the customs broker exam in just 45 days from zero customs brokerage background ? ComJOBB can help you make it !

If you ever took customs broker exam before, you must have witnessed that most customs broker exam test takers in the exam room took the exam numerous times, either hard preparing the exam by themselves, or being severely misled by those ineffective courses and guidelines !

Now it is the right time to STOP being misled by ineffective guidances, Be SMART to take Golden Key Customs Broker program to save your valuable time and passion !

康捷报关师2023年4月大丰收。为什么一定要尽可能参加实体面授培训课程 ?


康捷报关师大讲堂: 洛杉矶 Robinson 以自己的切身经历谈自己是怎样找到报关师工作的 ?。

Seminar held on Jan 23, 2022 in Los Angeles, Andrew’s valuable tips how to pass customs broker exam.

Valuable studying experiences at COMJOBB GOLDEN KEY for the preparation of customs broker exam in 2020. Mr. Joe (the first speaker) passed customs broker exam in October 2020, Mr. Li ( the person behind the first speaker) passed the exam in October 2020, Mr. Weng (the second speaker) passed the exam in October 2020, Mr. Kim (next to the second speaker, speaking Korean) passed the exam in October 2020.

Seminar held on Jan 2, 2022 in Los Angeles, Carol’s valuable tips how to pass customs broker exam.

Ms Wen Passed Customs Broker Exam on April, 2021, Classroom Onsite Real-time Learning.

How to pass customs broker exam in one shot ? Mr. Kim, Korean guy, age 27, from forwarder industry in New Jersey did it in October 2020.

How to pass customs broker exam in one shot within a 3-month period for a person with a high school diploma and completely no experiences ? Ms Chen from Flushing, New York, age 27, did it in October 2020.

All four persons who were eligible to take customs broker exam, with their whole faces shown in the above photo, became licensed customs brokers in 2019. 上面的照片中, 有资格参加报关师考试, 可以看见全脸的四位同学, 都在2019年获得海关报关师执照。

康捷金钥匙报关师班的同学都非常幸运 -- 2020珍藏版

Mr. Franklin, a graduate from University of California - Berkeley, the boss of a famous shipping company in Great Los Angeles Area, passed the customs broker exam in April 2019, and will become a licensed customs broker in 2019.

Congratulations to Mr. Chan at his age of 23, who joined ComJOBB in July, 2018, passed the customs broker exam on October 24, 2018. Very shortly, he got a real good job in November 2018 by ComJOBB's golden key referral. In May 2019, Chan Became a Licensed Customs Broker. He was further promoted as a supervisor in customs clearance team in a global logistics company in July 2019 due to his great job performance.

Christine, the boss of a famous freight forwarder company in Great New York Area, passed the customs broker exam in October 2018, and became a licensed customs broker in 2019.

Ms Christina, an accounting supervisor of a forwarder warehouse in Los Angeles, passed the customs broker exam on October 24, 2018, and became a licensed customs broker exam in 2019.

Ms Tang, passed the customs broker exam on October 24, 2018. Very shortly, she got her professional job in January, 2019 with a leading customs brokerage company by ComJOBB's golden key referral.

As an accounting assistant in Los Angeles, Ms Joyce created another ComJOBB legendary story in October 2018.

As a dental clinic office assistant in Los Angeles, Mr. Johnson passed customs broker exam in just one short in October 2017

女神级别美女学员45天通过美国海关报关师考试, 得分88.75%, 震撼美国报关与物流界. May 2017.
她现在是纽约曼哈顿一家 Global Logistics Company 的经理。

( 请特别关注视频中 1:39 ~ 2:53 之间Linda 小姐所说的肺腑之言 )
Linda 小姐, 诚恳地向广大同学介绍了自己参加报关师培训班的种种考虑, 她说的非常中肯。报关师考试培训难度大, 越学到后面难度越大, 越教到后面越难教, 也越能体现名师的教学水平。就好像运动员们参加一万米长跑比赛, 真正的考验在最后的三千米, 名教练带出来的运动员越跑越有劲; 康捷金钥匙报关师培训班的学员们, 在张博士的带领下, 越学越有劲。Linda小姐2017年2月14日参加康捷的时候, 课程已经进行了2/3, 正是教学难度最大的时候, 也正是体现教学水平高低的时候, 这个最佳时机她试听了不同公司的报关师培训课程, 很容易判断出谁是真正的王者, 谁是南郭先生滥竽充数误人子弟。Linda小姐以及她父亲希望更多的人在准备报关师考试的少走弯路, 所以非常愿意和大家分享她切身体会和经验。

Adam Passed Customs Broker Exam in just 45 days, 45天通过报关师考试 Oct 2013

Senior Restaurant Waitress Became Licensed Customs Broker 资深餐馆工3个月通过美国海关报关师考试 Oct 2012

Amazing Beautiful Airliner Attendant Became a Licensed Customs Broker in 2018

Want to repeat their successful stories ?

Just call ComJOBB hotline number 888-666-1680

Congratulations to Ms Linda at her age of 28, a product development manager in an import wholesaler in New York, New York, who joined ComJOBB on Feb 14, 2017, passed the customs broker exam on April 3, 2017 with a score of 88.75%, the latest legendary miracle created by ComJOBB student. Her incredible performance within so short period beat all others in the United States in customs broker exam training business. Now, Ms Linda is a big manager in a leading global logistics company in New York, NY.

Linda's Tips to Pass CBP Broker Exam in Just One Shot ( Seminar in English )

What is the schedule of ComJOBB Golden Key Customs Broker Exam Course ?
    ComJOBB Golden Key schedule is very simple, each week one class, each class 2 and half hours, total 16 classes in 4 months.

Who is most suitable for Golden Key Program ?
    If you are smart, confident, positive, hardworking, willing to follow guidelines and regulations exactly, you are highly encouraged to apply for Golden Key Program !
What is ComJOBB's reputation and achievement in logistics and customs brokerage community ?
    90% all customs brokers of Chinese origin in U.S. were graduated from ComJOBB Golden Key, nearly 50% all customs brokers in Greater New York Area came from ComJOBB Golden Key since the year 2003.
Interesting Facts About U.S. Customs Broker
    (1) there are approximately 11,000 active licensed customs brokers in the United States.
    (2) highly experienced and skilled customs brokers can earn more than US$ 100,000 to US$150,000 annually.
    (3) customs broker is eligible to conduct customs business all over the United States.
U.S. Customs Broker’s Responsibilities
    Customs brokers are authorized to submit necessary information and appropriate payments to U.S. Customs and Border Protection on behalf of their clients and charge them a fee for this service.
How to Become a Customs Broker ?
    First, you must pass the Customs Broker License Examination.
    Second, you must submit a broker license application with appropriate fees.
    Third, your application must be approved by CBP.
Must I be a U.S. citizen to take this examination?
    Yes, you must be a citizen on the date of the examination, not an officer or employee of the United States Government, and have attained the age of 18 years.
Where and When is the Customs Broker Examination Given? How to Register for the Examination ?
    This examination will be given on the fourth Wednesday in April and October. An individual who intends to take the examination must complete the electronic application at least 30 calendar days prior to the scheduled examination date and must remit the $390 examination fee. CBP will give notice of the exact time and place for the examination.
ComJOBB Job Placement Policy
    ComJOBB Golden Key has established a very strong network with the freight forwarding, customs brokerage, and other industries. For any client who joined ComJOBB program and passed U.S. Customs Broker License exam, the opportunity to secure a professional job is 99%. It is very likely you may find a good job immediately after you received your passing grade report from assistant commissioner of U.S. Customs.
    If you have some degree from this country or any foreign country, not too bad English, you work as accounting assistant, paralegal, or restaurant waiter/waitress, etc., and you want to make a real change in your life, it's the time to come to ComJOBB Center. ComJOBB Golden Key invites you to witness the miracle that will happen to you !
    If you are a business owner, and you want to expand your business, it's the right time to come to ComJOBB Center. ComJOBB Golden Key invites you to witness the miracle that your business will boom very shortly !

Mr. Rene proudly passed customs broker exam in April, 2017

Ms Chi, a fashion designer, passed customs broker exam in just one shot in April, 2011

Nancy passed the CBP broker exam in one shot in NYC in 2010 by ComJOBB

Jasmine's tips to pass customs broker exam in less than 3 months in just one shot. (English-speaking Testimonial Seminar, December 2011)

Benjamin graduated from a college in New York City in May 2015, he immediately noticed that it was very difficult to find an ideal job with his educational background. He was very lucky to be referred by a friend to join the Customs Broker Exam training program with ComJOBB Goldkey, and very soon he got a good position in an integrated logistics company with forwarding, warehousing, and customs brokerage business. He was happy to share his tips with the public in Flushing, New York in August 2015. He hopes that his tips may help more college students and graduates to find good jobs.

How to evaluate a customs broker training school/institution as good or bad ?
    It is very simple to do that. Just check that school/institution's website or YouTube.com, count the number of publicly witnessed successful testimonials of passing customs broker exam from the year 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, the bigger number will show that school/institution has been doing very good job, the smaller number or the zero number will show that school/institution has been doing a very bad job.

Good apple tree bears a lot of good apples each year, bad apple tree bears none or very few apples each year !

Every Christian knows this fact, every farmer in this globe knows this fact !

Very funnically, a lot of well educated people fail to really understand this basic and important fact when preparing the challenging customs broker exam !

新冠形势下就业新策略: 怎样成为国际物流师 ?
在新冠形势下, 办公室高端工作的一个重要选择条件是: 既要收入高, 又要和人流量高且复杂的环境隔离。物流师报关师工作就完美地满足这一要求。

How to find a decent customs entry job in a customs broker company ?
What is a really good job for a normal american people ? Some traditional good jobs are no longer being considered as good jobs. Safe quiet working environment, no high people-flow around, good income, and professional tasks are some key factors, but are not limited to, to tell if a job qualifies as a good job. Customs broker jobs meet these requirements perfectly.

Mark先生, 貿易公司老闆,通過康捷五個月的培訓, 2010年10月份首次參加考試就取得超過90%的高分,全美罕見。Mark先生2011年6月經由JFK Port申請成為執照報關師。 凡參加過報關師考試的人都知道, 第一次考試能取得75%分通過, 比第二次考試得95%的高分還要偉大。全美海關每年舉辦兩次考試, 每年平均100至250人通過考試。花2年至5年準備考試仍然未能通過考試的人全美範圍內比比皆是。

Mark's Tips to Pass CBP Broker Exam in Just One Shot

Ms.Eddie學員, MBA from Ohio State Univ.,於2010年6月參加康捷報關師考試培訓計劃,2010年10月初首次參加考試就通過報關師考試。 她現在芝加哥一家美國大公司做报关部经理。

Ms.Michelle學員, Bachelor Degree from Fordham Univ.,於2010年6月參加康捷報關師考試培訓計劃,2010年10月初首次參加考試就通過報關師考試。她現在曼哈顿帝国大厦一家美國大公司做报关部经理。

Jason學員, 畢業於福州大學,2010年10月通過報關師考試, 2011年6月經由JFK Port申請成為執照報關師。他現在西雅图一家美國大公司做报关部经理。

James學員,2010年10月通過報關師考試。2011年6月經由JFK Port申請成為美國報關師。2011年8月James加盟物流報關業界全美擁有近1200名僱員的巨頭公司 Long Island分公司從事報關工作。 他現在纽约长岛一家美國大公司做报关部经理。

选择报关师学校的金钥匙小贴士 :


    怎样做到这一点,只需要到对方网站以及 YouTube.com 查一查 “报关师考试成功经验介绍会” 经过当地社区民众现场见证过的现场录象, 看某学校有没有2010年,2011年,2012年,2013年,2014年,2015年,2016年,2017年,2018年,2019年通过报关师考试的现场见证。如果几乎都没有, 表示这家培训机构 2010年,2011年,2012年,2013年,2014年,2015年,2016年,2017年,2018年,2019年几乎没有任何学生通过考试。

    Best Choice School一定是必须有久经考验的 consistently excellent performance,也就是说,很多年一直每年都有很多学生通过报关师考试,这样的学校才是真正的好的报关师培训学校。

    快捷的查一查最近的2018年2019年的情况,也是一目了然。NY 法拉盛有搞报关师培训的模仿者,2018年,2019年通过报关师考试的学生记录:是完全没有人通过考试。有不相信的人可以自己到对方网站去查。

    有的朋友, 想要省小钱, 去买书籍以及录像自学准备报关师考试, 张博士可以坦诚的告诉你, 除非你是美国律师, 你可以考虑这么做。 真实的情况是, 即使你是美国律师, 如果是自学准备考试的话, 能在两年内通过考试也是相当幸运的。 多花许多时间, 其实就是亏本的。

    想通过报关师考试的同学,千万不要忘了自己参加培训的初心是要通过考试,不要被对方的锲而不舍的“热情”所感动,花费金钱去购买廉价的“热情”。有一定生活阅历的人都知道,很多情况下,越“热情”的,往往是“问题”越大的。赚“热情” /“价格”小便宜,往往吃大亏。

    来参加康捷金钥匙报关师培训的,有很多都是非常有理性,又有智慧的同学。报关师考试通过难度比你想象的还要大很多,康捷美国金钥匙 ComJOBB.com/key 祝愿大家好运,也热烈欢迎即有理性,又有智慧的同学来康捷报名,准备2020年10月全美海关报关师考试。

    准备2个月, 一次通过美国海关报关师考试, 康捷 Jordan 秒杀一切虚假经验介绍。
    告诉大家一句大实话: 任何报关师考试经验介绍会既没有现场观众互动, 又没有给现场观众看考试成绩通知单的都是骗子骗傻子的推销视频。

好好比一比, 读各类大学的性价比:

读一个 Community College, 假定免学费(其实绝大多数都要交不少的学费), 两年 full time study, 每年的时间成本最少 $25,000 (一个正常健康的人, 只要肯吃苦, 在餐馆上班一年最少赚 $25,000, 是不成问题的, 所以不上班赚钱而去 full time 读学, 就要考虑时间成本), 两年的时间总成本 $50,000, 毕业后找到工作的薪资范围在年薪 $25,000 到 $50,000之间。同时, 要记住, 两年毕业之后找不到专业工作的机率非常之大。

读一个普通公立 public 4-year College, 假定免学费(其实绝大多数都要交很多学费), 四年 full time study, 每年的时间成本最少 $25,000, 四年的时间总成本 $100,000, 毕业后找到工作的薪资范围在年薪 $25,000 到 $60,000之间。同时, 要记住, 四年毕业之后找不到专业工作的机率非常之大。

读一个私立 private 4-year College, 假定每年 $40,000 学费, 四年学费总成本 $160,000, 四年 full time study, 每年的时间成本最少 $25,000, 四年的时间总成本 $100,000, 四年的学费用加上时间总成本为 $160,000 + $100,000 = $260,000, 毕业后找到工作的薪资范围在年薪 $40,000 到 $100,000之间。同时, 要记住, 四年毕业之后找不到专业工作的机率非常之大。

大学毕业以后, 通常有了三到五年的工作经验之后, 发现工作很辛苦, 薪水也一直上不去, 于是想成为一名光鲜的美国律师, 需要读三年 full-time 美国法学院 Law School。法学院一年学费最少 $50,000, 三年学费总成本 $50,000 x 3 = $150,000, 三年时间总成本 $25,000 x 3 = $75,000, 三年的学费加上时间总成本 = $150,000 + $75,000 = $225,000, 毕业后找到工作的薪资范围在年薪 $40,000 到 $100,000之间。同时, 要记住, 三年法学院毕业之后找不到专业律师工作的机率非常之大, 全美国失业率最高的行业是律师。

通过海关报关师考试 Customs Broker Examination, 成为海关报关师 Licensed Customs Broker, 薪资范围在年薪 $48,000 到 $120,000之间, 而且工作机会有更充分的保证。

孰优孰劣, 一目了然。

近年来, 参加康捷美国金钥匙海关报关师培训的同学, 有不少是毕业于 Columbia University, University of California at Berkeley, NYU, State University of New York, UCLA 等知名学府。很显然, 这些同学都是非常识货的。

Janet同学分享洛杉矶报关师考场内外珍贵的经验 (请特别关注视频中 6:08 ~ 7:18)
Janet 同学2017年10月通过海关报关师考试, 目前是一家大报关公司报关部经理。来美多年, Janet 同学, 一直在洛杉矶做会计工作, 她在报关师考场内外的珍贵经验非常具有启发意义。

农夫买驴 与 学子考报关师:行业套路深, 不要贪图便宜







    最出色在什么地方呢 ?


    考报关师, 不通过康捷, 鲜有获得成功者 !

    报关师考试难, 想过关, 必须找张博士 !

    康捷美国金钥匙报关师培训难以被模仿的独特优势是什么 ?

    上面的三位学员都成为海关报关师。明白人都知道, 有些东西真的是模仿不了的。 康捷的模仿者, 聘请康捷的两位学员去做报关培训的主讲老师, "认真努力"了十年, 还是没有能力让学生通过海关报关师考试。天底下有两种最可怕的事情, 第一种是天资愚钝的庸医, 锲而不舍努力钻研, 发誓一定要做一代名医, 也不知道会有多少无辜的人会成为牺牲品; 第二种是, 天赋愚钝的人, 锲而不舍许多年发誓一定要把自己的教育培训事业做大做强, 也不知道会有多少本来是可造之才的人, 因为接受了误导性的思维培训, 而终身受害。

    有读者问: 有某公司关于报关师培训的职业规划(如下图)做得非常吸引人, 是否说明对方有培训实力 ?

    → STEP 5 成为进口公司经理/成为物流公司经理/成为律师/开报关行

    康捷回答: 明白人只需要用眼睛粗略扫一下上面的程序, 很快就会发现上面的东西漏洞百出。

    错误漏洞二: 成为报关行经理, 并不需要是 CUSTOMS BROKER; 是 CUSTOMS BROKER, 即使有经验也不能保证当上报关行经理
    错误漏洞三: 成为进口公司经理/成为物流公司经理/成为律师, 并不需要是 CUSTOMS BROKER

    来康捷参加报关培训的学员中, 有很多同学来报名时本身就已经是进口公司经理老板/物流公司经理老板/报关行经理 。

    想一想, 短短三行字, 居然出现至少三处明显的概念错误, 这家培训公司的实力岂不是一目了然了吗 ?

    准备报关师考试, 就是要准确理解法律概念。

    某公司的培训实力都「厉害」成这样, 还有人去交钱做「慈善」, 真是「善哉」「善哉」。

    有读者问: 有某培训公司强调把他们上课的录像反复回放加速理解, 就可以通过报关师考试, 是否真的有效果 ?

    康捷回答: 其实结果恰恰相反, 这些录像看得越多, 越通不过报关师考试 。

    在回答上一个问题的时候, 我们知道该公司写的三行广告就有三个明显的概念错误。同样, 明白人只需要粗略听一听该公司任何教学录像, 很快就发现里面有许多听起来似是而非, 但其实是严重概念错误的东西, 非常容易误导别人, 这些错误的东西听/看得越多, 反而中毒越深, 离通过报关师考试越远。

    而且这些录像的内容非常乏味, 条理性非常差, 正常的人一遍也看不下去, 硬着头皮看15分钟就撑不下去了, 更谈不上能够反反复复地看。

    因为职业关系, 康捷每个月都能收到一些在该培训公司交钱参加报关师培训的朋友的电话, 告诉我们, 他们在某培训公司学了一个月左右就再也学不下了, 这些人中有一些学历其实非常不错, 比如说毕业于 UCSD, Queens College。

    外行看热闹, 内行看门道。为什么某培训公司经验介绍都是 online 举办的, 前些年的那么多年也不像最近一年有 COVID-19 流行, 主要原因在于: 介绍经验的人都是托儿, 在教室里面对面骗人终归有点心虚, 再说, 某培训公司已经报名参加培训的人通常上几节课以后就学不下去走人了, 教室里面永远只剩下稀稀拉拉几个人, 拍出来的录像挺「撑」面子的, 里子岂不露出来了吗 ?

    相信反复看录像管用, 就像相信买几盘太极宗师的教学录像, 每天反复看反复练习, 坚持一年半载就可以成为太极宗师一样可笑。

    另外, 敬请相关公司不要抄袭康捷的文稿。 下面的黄色部分, 是原封不动地抄袭康捷的文稿。
    在美国接受过良好教育的人都知道, 在美国抄袭别人是一件很丢脸的事情. 看到最高学历仅为大陆大专的某培训老板, 总跟在康捷后面鹦鹉学舌, 连教报关的老师也是聘请康捷的考了N次的三流学生, 自己完全不给自己脸面, 这种事情只有完全没在美国受过教育的人才能干得出来, 如果是毕业于大陆稍微像样一点的大学的人也干不出这种事。